Thursday, May 5

Home stretch!

We are very close to meeting Jeff's goal of $3,000 but we will not stop there.  The average rider raises close to $6,000!

We are so appreciate of your support.  Please remember to find out if your company will match contributions. This can effectively double your donation!

Friday, April 15

How to say thanks?

We've had such tremendous response, how quickly we shot up to meeting 75% of our goal!  Thank you so very much.  We appreciate those who have so generously contributed. 
Every dollar goes directly to cancer research, or to treat a cancer patient.  Unlike a lot of non-profit organization, there is nothing taken off the top for "administrative purposes". 
Your contributions are helping to save someone's life.  Jennifer is living proof!
Thank you, thank you!

Wednesday, March 30

Paceline update

Thanks to you, Jeff has completed 10% of his fundraising goal!  We have a long way to go, but are up for the challenge.

Please remember to ask your employer if they will make a matching contribution--it can make a significant difference.